
Showing posts from 2011

New Album "HUT LPP RRI"

Album baru telah release "HUT LPP RRI". Album ini special untuk ulang tahun LPP RRI yang ke-66 Tahun. Album ini terdiri dari 8 Lagu sbb : 1. HUT LPP RRI 2. Irama cinta. 3. Desaku. 4. Lagu senang. 5. Sugirin. 6. Sendu mendayu. 7. Alam semesta. 8. Bunga berkembang. Selamat menikmati dan semoga dapat mengibur.

Penjor Galungan

New Album 11th was release with atmosphere balinese ceremonial Galungan.  "Penjor Galungan" is the title of new album from I Gusti Sudarsana. Please listen at here 1. Penjor Galungan 2. Persembahan 3. Truna Truni 4. Ginanti pelog 5. Irama 2 6. Kasih Sayang 7. Tembang Dangdut 8. Sinom Wong Payangan Have a nice listening

New Album 10th "Pesta Seni Bali"

New album 10th with title "Pesta Seni Bali " from I Gusti Sudarsana is dedicated for art and culture of Bali. This album include 1 song and 7 music instrumental. 1. Pesta seni. 2. Pupuh pangkur, dengan biola imade suyatra. 3. Semi jes. 4. Bali lestari. 5. Musik Blus. 6. Pupuh mas kumbambang, dengan biola imade suyatra. 7. Alam bernyanyi. 8. Ibu pertiwi. Enjoy this album and peace from BALI

Gerin (Gender and Rindik)

Redite, Keliwon, Watugunung and 17 April 2011 is the last full moon in wuku of balinese lunar calender. My new album with harmony spirit of collaboration between Gender and Rindik (balinese traditional music). This music is perfectly for relaxation. Hearing thin music will make you like in deep balinese village. I bring you 8 music in this album and GERIN is the title of this album. GERIN is acronym from GENDER and RINDIK. 1. Gerin Beli Teka 2. Alam Berduka 3. Ku Kirim Doa 4. Happy Dance 5. Tak Berdaya 6. Kasih Tak Sampai 7. Suba Kadung 8. Gender lan Suling

Bali Dwipa

"Purnama ke dasa" in bali also call "Purnama Sidhi" it's means the best full moon for doing something good. Because of  that I Gusti Sudarsana release new album "Bali Dwipa". 7 instrument and 1 song are the best gift to all of you. 1. Lagu Bali dwipa, (Song writer: wayan sukadana). 2. Darma santi. 3. Pupuh ginanti (biola I Made Suyatra). 4. Mulat sarira. 5. Gending; gambelan jawa. 6. Alam desa. 7. Pupuh semaran dana (biola I Made Suyatra). 8. Kembang setaman.

Hari Kasih Sayang

In month of Valentine February 17th, 2011 I Gusti Sudarsana release new album that have full love spirit. "Hari Kasih Sayang" that is the title of this album. 8 song include in this album. 1. Lagu Hari kasih sayang. 2. gending janger. 3. Bercengkrama. 4. Dangdut rindik. 5 Pupuh durma, life biola; made suyatra. 6. Parahiangan. 7. Pengiring bersantap. 8. Sabar. Enjoyed this song....

New Album "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika"

The most creative musician has release new album in "purnama kaulu". In this album has full spirit of motivation. "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" that is the title this album. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is spirit of "we are one" even we have different religion, skin color, gender or nation. 1. Mantram Gayatri 2. Pagi yang indah 3. Perjuangan 4. Pantang Menyerah 5. Music Santai 6. Diawang-awang 7. Masih Jauh 8. Bhineka Tunggal Ika