Autobiography of I Gusti Sudarsana

I Gusti Sudarsana was born in Sedang on January 8, 1969. I am a son of pair between Gusti Ngurah Meriam and Ni Gusti ayu Rai Leked. I started to learn for playing musical instruments since I was five years old, those instruments were Tingklik (traditional music instrument) and flute which taught by my uncle namely I Gusti Ketut Tantra and learned by myself through listening music. Sometimes, I got chance to play traditional music ( gamelan) to complete the ritual ceremony. By eight years old, I entered state of SLB (extraordinary school for person with visual impairments) Driaraba in Serma Gede street No. 11 Sanglah, Denpasar. At that time, I learned music in whole theoretically at school but most of the practices was done in my hostel with some kinds of instruments provided, for example; gamelan ( traditional orchestra) , Kulintang, Bamboo Angklung and acoustic guitar. The blind lines to be a great problem for me in playing music, I just learn music autodidact while by listening ...