
Showing posts from 2010

Galungan & Kuningan

In "purnamaning kepitu " 20 Dec 2010 new album from I Gusti Susarsana has release, "Galungan & Kuningan" it's the title of new album. Galungan & Kuningan is one of balinese hindu ceremonial for celebration the winner of goodness vs bad side. In this album there are 8 music instrumental ethnic Bali. We hope this album can accept for all of you. 1 Tembang desa 2 Lagu Cinta (Love Song) 3 Temabang Romantis 4 Tembang Girang 5 Tembang Lara 6 Sinom Lumrah 7 Jatuh Cinta (Falling in love) 8 Berbunga-bunga

New Album Has Release "Menyama Braya"

New Album from "The Blind Balinese Musician" I Gusti Sudarsana has release. "Menyama Braya" that is the title of the new album. In this album there are 8 music instrument collaboration between bali and other world traditional music. The title of 8 music is : 1. Sang Hyang Widhi 2. Nyanyian Alam 3. Kebenaran 4. Panen 5. Pertiwi Sungsung 6. Sebel 7. Menyama Braya 8. Ketenangan Listening those song will bring you back to the nature.

Autobiography of I Gusti Sudarsana

I Gusti Sudarsana was born in Sedang on January 8, 1969. I am a son of pair between Gusti Ngurah Meriam and Ni Gusti ayu Rai Leked. I started to learn for playing musical instruments since I was five years old, those instruments were Tingklik (traditional music instrument) and flute which taught by my uncle namely I Gusti Ketut Tantra and learned by myself through listening music. Sometimes, I got chance to play traditional music ( gamelan) to complete the ritual ceremony. By eight years old, I entered state of SLB (extraordinary school for person with visual impairments) Driaraba in Serma Gede street No. 11 Sanglah, Denpasar. At that time, I learned music in whole theoretically at school but most of the practices was done in my hostel with some kinds of instruments provided, for example; gamelan ( traditional orchestra) , Kulintang, Bamboo Angklung and acoustic guitar. The blind lines to be a great problem for me in playing music, I just learn music autodidact while by listening ...

Biografi I Gusti Sudarsana

I Gusti Sudarsana lahir di Sedang pada tangagl 8JANUARI 1969. Dia  merupakan anak dari pasangan Gusti Ngurah Meriam dan Ni Gusti Ayu Rai Leked. Pada umur 5 tahun, dia sudah mulai belajar bermain music seperti tingklik, suling yang diajarkan oleh paman saya sendiri yaitu I Gusti Ketut Tantra dan dengan cara mendengarkan sendiri. Sesekali, pada usia 8 tahun, saya diberi kesempatan memainka gamelan ( alat music) ketika ada upacara adata. Ketika berumur 8 tahun, saya bersekolah di sekolah luar biasa (SLB)  negeri Driaraba Jalan Serma Gede nomor 11 di daerah Sanglah Denpasar. Pada saat itulah saya tahu tentang music dan belajar teorinya di sekolah tetapi prakteknya lebih banyak belajar sendiri di asrama dengan peralatan yang tersedia seperti gamelan, kulintang, angklung bamboo serta akustik gitar yang ada di asrama putra. Nah, karena saya hanyatahu suara,  maka saya memegang stang gitar dari atas, hal ini terjadi tahun 1979 ketika saya masih kelas 1. 3 bulan kemudian, saya ...

Jumah Record

Jumah Record Merupakan indie label yang mewadahi musisi-musisi yang berbakat. Kontak person : Gusti Sudarsana Jl. Buana Kubu XII No.20, Monang Maning Denpasar  Hp : +6283114054126